Something something STICK WITH MAGNET something...
So the main highlight of the week was Charly asking me for a strong magnet to pick up her dropped pins. I went one better. I stuck the strong magnet to the end of a stick so she wouldnt even have to bend down to use it. There's a reason I'm the brains of this outfit... At least that's what I keep telling her. I presented the stick to her today and, as I mentioned the whole brains of the outifit thing, and the fact that she could thank me later, she just rolled her eyes in agreement (I think). I also labelled it too with my label maker (There are not many things around the house I don't label, and I think the daughter and wife appreciate my efforts). So yeah, I did her proud this week. I bet she hasn't stopped going on about her new stick, but I'm a modest man and I probably won't even mention it much again. Although I asked her if it was comfortable, and if she had any tips before I patent the design. Apparently the local newspaper were not interested. Even when i mentioned how useful it would be for old people to pick up dropped things (old people are always dropping things). Just imagine 87 year old Elsie with her slipped disc and knackered hip drops her metal hammer, what happens then?) But apparently they have 'proper news' to write, whatever that means.
Charly says I have to write something about Kandy Kitten (booooring) so: She had a small fabric delivery last week, all of which has now been cut so she knows what she has left for Tuesdays slot sale, which happens to be on Tuesday in the facebook group (go join if you haven't already!). Items from 800 pence (thats £8). She has 65 metres of fabric this week so she needs some space.
The accessories preorder closes next sunday so you have a week left to order from this.
Kandy Kitten had a great market night on Friday which introduced the newest summer prints. These will be officially released early March but the Blue-y (spelling to avoid the copyright police) summer one certainley proved as popular as Charly had hoped.
So anyway, I'm off to perfect my design for the magnet stick (Magstick? Sticky Stick?) so expect to see that on Kandy Kitten anyday soon. Oh, apparently not says Charly. That could have been the ticket to our first million. Sigh.
P.S please see attached picture of the stick. I think you'll be impressed. And if not, you have no soul. Just saying.